When I got home from volunteering yesterday , Carol said that she had seen a female Blackcap feeding on the berries of the shrub in the early afternoon .
As I was not due up on the Common until 1000 , I watched the shrub over breakfast , to no avail . I got ready , and spent the last few minutes before leaving at the back bedroom window . There was plenty of activity on the feeders from Greenfinches , Chaffinches , Goldfinches , a pair of Coal Tits and a single Blue Tit . Underneath the feeders , Chaffinches and a pair of Dunnocks were 'clearing up' , but no sign of the Blackcap .
The sun was just starting to get onto the shrub , and I was due to leave , when a movement in the shrub made me reach for the camera . The female Blackcap had turned up for her breakfast , and almost immediately , she was joined by the male . I managed four shots before , together , they flew into cover in a conifer , a bit further down the garden .
The female always stayed in the middle of the shrub , whereas the macho male fed on the outer branches .
We have noticed this in previous years , where they don't gorge themselves like Redwings or Fieldfares , but just take a few berries then disappear for a while , most likely to digest them .On the way to the Common I did pop in quickly to Keston Ponds , but could see nothing new there . As I looked around from the car , a juvenile Carrion Crow arrived and perched on the rail , no doubt looking for food .I think the Canada Goose had the same thoughts ,
as did the Black Headed Gull .But they were unlucky , I was keeping my sandwiches for my lunch .
well done with the Blackcaps Fred....great when a prediction comes true isn't it. Like that Long Eared Owl I am going to find in the churchyard opposite my house. Maybe....!
Yes greenie,
Nice record. Funny how you can get better views of Blackcaps when they are meant to be aound the Med!
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