I decided on a visit to West Wickham Common , then on to Hayes Farm , but the twitching started at the breakfast table . Within ten minutes or so , 11 species came to the feeders .Blue and Great Tit , Chaffinch , Greenfinch , Goldfinch , Stock Dove , Woodpigeon and Collared Dove , Great Spotted Woodpecker , Jackdaw and Robin . Somewhere in the gardens , a Song Thrush was in full song , and down the bottom of the garden Carrion Crow and Magpie put in an appearance . Not bad , 14 species before turning a wheel .

Up on West Wickham Common , it was obvious that like on Keston Common , large numbers of Redwings were enjoying the ripe Holly berries , every tree seemed to be host to small numbers .

I managed a couple of shots , a bit better than yesterday's effort , but they are very nervous , flighty , and difficult to photograph at the moment . Whilst walking around , the now usual squawking of Parakeets overhead was almost overlooked , but I did look up , only to find three RRPs chasing off a Sparrowhawk , and doing a very good job of it as well . Other species recorded were Nuthatch , Blackbird , Bullfinch ( usual rear end view ) and an overflying Black Headed Gull . The recent frosty nights seem to have decimated the fungi , as most specimens found were

I think that the best way to describe the conditions at Hayes Farm would be marshy , as many of the paddocks have pools of water all over the place , and even the drier looking ones sound very boggy when the horses walk on them . Unsurprisingly , there were large mixed flocks of Black Headed and Common Gulls treating the pools as ponds , and bathing and preening in them , and around the horses , Pied Wagtails were waiting to snap up anything disturbed . Just a short distance in , I disturbed two male Pheasants , which quickly headed for cover in the remains of the Runner Bean plants . A couple of Canada Geese flew over my head and a Dunnock called from the adjacent back gardens . Heading towards the Trout Fishery , the only further sighting was a Green Woodpecker . As I arrived at the Fishery , four cars were parked alongside it , so I didn't expect to find much . Sure enough , five fly anglers were spread around the lake , and I only recorded Coot , Moorhen , Mallard , Little Grebe and the usual farmyard type ducks , with no sign of the Egyptian Goose that stayed all last Winter . Heading back , squawking at their

And finally , part of a charm of Goldfinches , which numbered at least 11 , that arrived just after

Do you often get goldfinches feeding on the leylandii?
You presumably thought up a few names for the newly-discovered species.....would you care to share them with us?
The sunlight doesn't hang around long does it Greenie! I wish I was well enough to get out and enjoy it.
Redwings are still very scarce here at the moment.
Steve ,
Yes - actually .
I had in mind -
Big Brown Job and White Headed Big Brown Job .
ps. I never actually stated that the Goldfinches were feeding in the Leylandii !
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