A late change of plan had myself and fellow enthusiast Keith heading for an organised walk by Butterfly Conservation , Kent Branch around Ranscombes Farm at Cuxton , concentrating not just on butterflies , but also the rare arable flowers that are found on the site .
What with a certain football match on this evening , and with being up in Peterborough at a family party all day tomorrow , I only have time to show the highlights of a most enjoyable visit .

Firstly , a Common Buzzard , being harried by a Corvid . Would be interested in readers thoughts on the species , given that large , wedge shaped tail .

Just a single specimen of Greater Knapweed-Centaurea scabiosa , a member of the Daisy family .

One of several Cinnabar moths found . The female will lay her eggs on Ragwort , and yellow and black ringed caterpillars will emerge later .

On a stand of Stinging Nettles , Peter Kirby's keen eye found us a brightly coloured Comma caterpillar , which couldn't have been far off pupating .

In a wooded area , Deadly Nightshade-Atropa bella-donna was found in full flower . In the same area , Fly Orchid and White Helleborine were also found .

Out in the open meadows again , good numbers of Pyramidal Orchid-Anacamptis pyramidalis .

Also , a couple of Bee Orchid-Ophrys apifera .

On a field edge , a plant I have wanted to see for ages , Meadow Clary-Salvia pratensis , another Labiate .

Butterflies were not numerous , but this female Holly Blue was intent on egg laying , and took no notice of us photographing her .

Another first for me , the wonderfully named Venus's Looking Glass-Legousia hybrida , a member of the Bellflower family .

A once common flower in arable fields , Corn Cockle-Agrostemma githago , a member of the Pink family , another favourite of mine .

On many of the field edges and paths , Viper's Bugloss-Echium vulgare , a member of the Borage family was providing nectar to many insects .
Lots of the day flying moth Burnet Companion were seen and easily identified . The same could not be said for the following pair , and some help would be appreciated .
Both moths have been identified , thanks to Dean / DDD . 
Esperia oliviella
Bramble Shoot Moth-Epiblema uddmanniana
Greenie, the first moth is Esperia oliviella and the second one is Bramble Shoot Moth (Epiblema uddmanniana).
Hi Greenie,
A busy day! I dont think the corvid is a Raven, not big enough. :-)
I have to agree with WB on the corvid - crows (and indeed jackdaws) often splay the tail when manoeuvering.
I'm glad that you commend Ranscombe Farm - I'll be on the walk there on Sunday hopefully.
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