I'm not sure if this will count as a ' whilst having breakfast ' post , but here goes . After two days hedgelaying up on the Greensand Ridge with nothing of interest found , Carol was getting breakfast ready , and I was getting ready for a day working up on the Common . As I passed the back bedroom window , I noticed several small birds flying from the bottom of the garden , towards the feeders . I stood and watched as they arrived , mainly Chaffinches , with Blue and Great Tits , the odd Greenfinch and Goldfinch . They tried to feed , but were constantly harassed by the resident Robin , who thinks he owns the feeders . A flash of orange lead my eye to the small right hand open feeder , and that flash of orange turned out to be my first Brambling of the

Winter , visiting the morning of the first snow flurry of the Winter overnight . I managed to get a

few shots , but they were through double glazing , the second in next door's Laburnum tree . No

sooner had I taken them , this Jay arrived noisily , and the mixed flock flew off down the garden . I took the opportunity to open a window and waited . A Blackbird was the first back ,

and started to eat the Blackcap's berries on the Callicarpa , and eventually the flock returned ,

one by one . The Brambling returned to the same feeder , but entered from the other side , with the roof now hiding it at times . Later , it and the Chaffinches moved onto the Pyracantha berries

on the fence line . Carol had mentioned earlier in the week that she had seen the Chaffinches feeding on the berries earlier in the week . The Goldfinch also returned and posed

for a shot , but the light didn't do it justice . Shortly afterwards , a couple of the local Jackdaws

chased everything off , probably just as well , as I now had to rush breakfast and get up on the Common .
The work on the Common was cutting and burning Gorse and scrub on the heathland area , and a good fire was appreciated , especially at lunchtime . We were shadowed by a couple of Robins all day , but the only interest were a couple of fungi :

The tiny brownish cups of Rutstroemia firma ,

and early specimens of Neobulgaria pura var. foliacea .
What a great breakfast post Greenie and some great shots too. Well done getting the Brambling, i'm still hoping for one soon. And a Jay as well!
I picture you with camera in one hand and spoon in the other eating your cornflakes, or would that be snapping, crackling and popping. Either way I bet they went soggy!
Greenies breakfast post hits the target again! Brambling at the feeders, brilliant bird!!
very well done with getting shots of your 1st brambling of the winter. May you see many more, maybe even from the breakfast table.
It's that time of year again!...Greenie's breakfast posts :)
Well done on spotting the Brambling and I particularly liked the Jay and Goldfinch photos.
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