How could two days bee so different ? Yesterday , we were hedgelaying up on the Greensand Ridge , in overcast , misty conditions , which by midday , turned into drizzle , which steadily got heavier and became heavy rain . At which point , we packed up all our wet gear and headed home .
We returned this morning , and although there was a chill in the air , the sky was blue and the sun was doing it's best to warm things up , which it did . By lunchtime , we were working in teeshirts , but not long after , the warmth from the sun dropped , and it was back to the fleece .
A few things of interest during today :

Amongst the leaves under the hedge we were laying , Lepista nuda-Wood Blewits , the dark staining from the fallen leaves .

Back at the car having a drink , an unexpected Wasp settled on a Bramble leaf , to soak up the rays .

At lunchtime , a butterfly fluttered around and also settled on the Brambles , a Small Tortoiseshell , having been drawn out of it's hibernation by the sun's warmth . The odd day will not do any harm , but a prolonged mild spell can be dangerous , as with few if any nectar sources are available , stored energy is wasted , which could compromise their hibernation .
During the afternoon , we were also treated to a Red Admiral that landed briefly on the hedging materials , but it did not stick around for a shot .
Also in the Bramble patch were several House Sparrows . Nice to hear their constant chatter on the far , sunny side of the bushes .
And finally , a couple of shots of last week's hedge .

The before shot of a hedge that hadn't been managed several years ago , that had become gappy and becoming overrun with Bramble .

The layed hedge , with gaps filled , Bramble removed , which hopefully will provide better nesting sites for birds and act as a safe corridor for small mammals and the like in years to come .
Small Tort, Red Admiral, Tee Shirts! Were we both on the same planet Greenie? It was bitter at Dungie today, even with my long johns on!
Nice looking hedge.
Phil ,
I think a case of ' too much information ' re. the long johns .
Fancy getting the Small Tortoiseshell, I thought that it didn't last that long, even with the sun, it was really cold.
Amazing that you and Warren both saw butterflies! It was beautifully sunny here too but bitterly cold.
I don't think there were as many wasps around this year as there usually are, did you notice that at all Greenie?
What a neat job you made of that hedge!
Good to see you put in a worthwhile shift today. Do you return to your hedges after a few years, with pride?
Looks a fine piece of work that hedge does Greenie - well done - wish my hands would still allow my to partake of the ancient art.
ShySongbird ,
I would entirely agree with you re. the numbers of wasps this year . Usually I find lots on the Ivy flowers in late Autumn , but they were few this year .
I haven't read anything official why , but I would think that last Winter , being the coldest for ages , would have put paid to many of the over-wintering queens , resulting in fewer colonies this year , and obviously fewer wasps to annoy people at the barbeques .
Mind you , they were replaced in large numbers by so many species of Hovverflies , it was hard to keep up with them all .
Kingsdowner ,
Steve , I don't specifically go back to look at previous years hedges , but often , with the Surrey Group , we pass or continue one started the previous year . I must admit it is very satisfying to see good regrowth , right from ground level , on previous thin , gappy and gangly hedges . The new thicker growth making much better habitat for all sorts of animals .
Davo ,
Shame you can't still manage the ancient art , I shall really miss it when that happens .
Had a look on the web at the Lancashire ( & Westmorland ) method . See yours is double alternate stakes with no bindings .
I keep saying I will go to the National Championships one year , where all the various regional styles can be seen , on one continuous hedge .
Was at Rutland Water this year .
The hedge is a little too tidy for me :-) Guees it'll be ok in a years time!
Its persistently chucking it down and blowing a gale as I write this, no two days the same at the moment and no chance of finding the Butterflies today
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