With three days working in front of me , I made an early start this morning arriving at Sevenoaks Reserve just after it had got light , spurred on by the report of a second Bittern on site . Just in the time it took to drive from home , the wind had strengthened considerably , and once again it was going to make birding difficult . I went straight to the hide where the new bird had been seen , and on the way found one of the Siskin flocks , this time lower down in the trees ,

but that wind meant that focusing on them was almost impossible as they swayed on the ends of branches . Constant scanning of the reedbeds proved fruitless and the only excitement was the

noisy arrival of two Egyptian Geese . Getting cold , I walked to the fields beyond the Long lake in hope of finding the Barnacle Geese , but that was fruitless too . I was cheered by a Song Thrush

letting all and sundry know that he thought Spring was around the corner . Heading for the other Bittern hide around the other side of the main lake , which almost had 'white horses' out in the

middle , I stopped off at the Tower hide , finding a small group of Teal feeding almost directly outside . I found a Tree Creeper heading for the last hide , but it didn't want to pose in the wind .
No Bittern sighting there either and not even a Water Rail , just Wrens and the friendly Robin .

Following a different path back , I found the first Daffodils of the year in bud , and on checking on

the Scarlet Elf Cups , found that they had opened up well since the last visit , even if not looking as vibrant as before . I decided to go back to the first hide before leaving , but everything was as per last visit , with the exception of a mixed flock of Greylag and Canada Geese , feeding in a sheep field away in the distance . I checked the Canadas , which they all were , but in doing so ,

found two little white bundles behind them , the first lambs that I have seen this year . Looking

through the flock , there were 6/7 lambs that I could see , probably more out of sight .
Heading home for lunch , the sky got greyer , drizzle started to fall , which kept on till almost 3 o'clock , when the wind dropped and the sun came out , the prelude to another frosty day's hedgelaying tomorrow .
One of those days that you could just stay in bed Greenie! not conducive at all to wildlife watching, and definitely not for photography!
Aledgedly tomorrow will be much better, hoorah!!!
Now that is just the sort of useful reminder I need Greenie! If I see a flock of Canada Geese, I shouldn't assume they are all C Gs, I suppose there could be the odd Barnacle in there somewhere (she says hopefully) :)
You did well to get photos in the wind, it was lovely to see the Song Thrush.
Those Scarlet Elf Caps really are impressive!
It's supposed to be the only decent day of the week here tomorrow and I am tied up all day with appointments :(
Hi Greenie.
Shame you couldn't get any Bittern shots although the Scarlet Elf Cups make a great photo.
I must go there again to try to see the Siskins.
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