Saturday, 11 October 2008

Saturday 11th.October 2008

A really foggy drive this morning down to the Leith Hill area near Dorking , with the Surrey hedgelaying group , to finish off the hedge started a fortnight ago . On Reigate Hill , the visibility was down to about 20 metres . The sun soon burnt off the fog , and a warm day , too warm for hedgelaying , followed . By the time we left , we had almost reached the corner of the field , and being alongside a road , the newly layed hedge was quite eye catching to those passing by . The brash , material taken out of the hedge as it is layed , on the right of the picture , will be collected up and disposed of by the landowner .

The only wildlife noted during the day , was one Red Admiral .

As we were packing up to go home , one of the lads noticed a Common Buzzard heading our way .

Eventually it landed on a dead tree on the far side of the next field .

By now , I was over in the far corner of our field 50 mtrs. from the car . I heard it call , and it was joined by another , and they spent a little time quartering the area I was in . Only trouble , my batteries gave out , and by the time I got back to the car to replace them , the pair were half way to Leith Hill Tower .

Perhaps next time .


Warren Baker said...

Not surprised your batteries gave out, after all that hedge laying!!

Steve said...

Warren's comment was the same one I was going to give! Nice post!