Sunday, 6 December 2009

Sunday 6th.December 2009

With visitors today , didn't manage to get out , but did manage a few shots on the feeders . A pair of Rose Ringed Parakeets flew in and nervously eyed the food on offer . One settled in the Laburnum tree next door and started eating the seeds . The other was very soon tucking into the Sunflower Hearts . The one in the Laburnum obviously decided that the Peanuts and Sunflower Hearts were better than Laburnum seeds and took closer order . Eventually they settled , after a bit of arguing , on one feeder each . All was going pretty well for them ,
until a Grey Squirrel turned up and turned them away from the feeders , which they left , as usual , very noisily .


Wilma said...

They look so tropical!

Warren Baker said...

nice one greenie, looks like those feeders need toping up though. :-)

ShySongbird said...

As a bird that hasn't reached this area so far, they look so odd to me. Like Wilma says, very tropical!

Great to see the Redwings on the previous post too.

Ken. said...

Hi Greenie.
I would love Parakeet's on my feeders, they seem to be such characters, although I believe some people don't like them visiting their garden's.