Thinking that the sunshine might last , I headed off for Down House to do the Bird Survey . With everything closed up , I had to access the site via the public footpath that runs through it and on through the adjoining Golf Course . It would be good to report that a better than average number of species were recorded , but a very average 17 was all that I could muster in the hour and a half on site . 'After the Lord Mayor's Show' came to mind , having recorded 54 yesterday , but the site does not have any water , nor is there any in the close proximity , which immediately reduces the species count . In fact , I recorded fewer individual birds ( 38 ) than I
did species yesterday . Green (pictured) and Great Spotted Woodpecker , Nuthatch and the usual Rose Ringed Parakeets was as good as it got today .
For the first visit in several , I didn't have any Deer sightings , of any kind , the only animals seen
were the Jacob's Sheep , looking very snug in their winter coats .
As usual , I called in at Keston Ponds on my way back , but all three ponds are still best part frozen over , so very little was seen .
My last stop was on the lane opposite Keston Church , to look for the first flowers of the year . The area was strimmed hard at the end of the summer , but the Winter Heliotrope-Petasites fragrans , a member of the Daisy family and closely related to Butterbur-P.hybridus , is already
pushing several flower spikes towards the now very grey sky . A bit more searching , and I
eventually found one spike with the petals of the first flower of the year just opened .
Spring can't come soon enough .
You had some sunshine today? You are blessed.
I fear that tomorrow morning's Solar Eclipse will be smothered by the everlasting cloud.
I much prefer the idea of the Fox chasing the cat Greenie.
As for Spring....I agree. Looks like Mother Nature is preparing already.
Agree with the spring comment Greenie, a few of the willows in Mote Park are showing some furry buds, so not long now!!!
Did you see the news article yesterday about the dog fox killed in Maidstone? It was double the size of a normal dog fox, and was killed because he had killed and eaten someones cat! On Sky News they show a video where they compare a 'normal' dog fox with the mentioned individual, astonishing size difference!!
I once watched a cat chasing a fox's tail, the fox turned and chased the cat, before the cat again turned and persued the fox once more !
You're meagre findings on the bird front were mirrored here Greenie, everything has moved on again.
Don`t you usually tell me & Warren off for using the "Spring" word so early ;-)
A very happy and healthy New Year to you and Carol, Greenie :)
It was heartwarming to see a flower on your post and I absolutely agree with you 'Spring can't come soon enough'. You can't mention the word enough for me, it is the A and W words I don't like!
Well done on eventually spotting the Jack Snipe recently.
Willow buds whitenening up here too
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