Firstly , many thanks to Rob for correcting the identification of the happy pair on the last post , Dock Bug / Coreus marginatus , not Forest Bug . Cheers Rob .
Since the last post , I did the full butterfly transect at High Elms , recording 12 species , but numbers were low on all apart from Brimstone (8) , but hopefully the good weather since then will encourage more emergence . I would point out that on the first part of the transect , the unfenced and fenced Conservation Fields , which makes up about one third of the transect , and was scalped to within an inch of it's life by the cutting contractors last year , produced a grand total of one Burnet Companion day flying moth . As usual , on the way round I checked the eaten Elm leaves for WLHairstreak
larvae , finding none again , but did find this larva , which was identified by Spock as that of the Copper Underwing moth . I hope no WLH larvae were about , as Spock also tells me that it is cannibalistic ! A chance meeting on Burnt Gorse with fellow wildlife enthusiast Rod was fortuitous , as he told me of a Treecreeper nest site , where he had been photographing the parents bringing food for their brood . Shortly after leaving Rod , the constant calling of juvenile Woodpeckers was heard ,
and it didn't take long to find the nest hole in a dead tree . Both parents were around , but only the
male was prepared to approach the nest whilst I was in the vicinity . So I just got a couple of shots and left them to their business . On the way home , I stopped at the Treecreeper nest site , and have
made a couple of other short visits since , as it is quite close to a public area , and didn't want to draw
attention to it . The youngsters look well on the way to fledging from the odd few sightings , so
keeping fingers crossed . After seeing that the nest at Sevenoaks Reserve had failed , it's good to see
this one doing so well , and thanks to Rod for putting me on to it .
At Hutchinson's Bank , the Glanville Fritillaries have mostly left the Cutting , and most sightings are on the bridleway at the bottom of the site . Visitors from as far a Ipswich and Heathrow have come to
see them and yesterday one of the Glanville males even tried to couple with a past it's sell by date Comma . The visitor from Ipswich suggested that if there was any offspring , it would be a Gramma .
Other firsts of the year over the last couple of days include ,
Small Blue , and several seen since ,
female Common Blue ,
male Brown Argus ,
and day flying Cinnabar Moth .
Another moth seen and identified by Spock , Silver-ground Carpet , thanks Spock .
On the way home for lunch today , I stopped off at the favoured nesting site of the local House Martins , having seen a couple around when passing by recently . It was good to see at least 8 pairs around the farmhouse , feeding and nest building . A couple of last years nest are intact , and were
probably grabbed by the first arrivals , but those arriving later were doing repairs , whilst others were
involved in the big build , starting over again from scratch , in between a bit of canoodling .
15 hours ago
Great post, Greenie, lovely to see the Treecreepers and House Martins at their nests. But that shot of the Glanville Frit trying to chat up the Comma is priceless :)
Nice Treecreepers shots Greenie, not to mention the Great Spots at their nest site.
The Glanville was obviously desperate!
Great action shots with the Treecreepers Greenie. You are obviously good at finding their nest sites!
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