First job this morning was to take Carol shopping , but with hindsight , I should have left that till this afternoon , as the best of today's weather was early on . After a quick coffee , I set off first to the Farm Lake . No sign at all of any of the Little Grebe , adult or young , which is sad . Of course the Coot family is still intact , 2 adults and 6 youngsters , and the female was seen collecting nesting materials at a different sight from the first , presumably for her third brood . The weather was still good for butterflies , but only Large and Small Skipper , Meadow Brown , Ringlet and
this male Small White were recorded . The most dominant Odonata by far was the Black-tailed
Skimmer , which I estimated at 75/100 plus around the lake , with many pairs in the 'wheel or ring' . Just one Emperor Dragonfly , a male was seen . Common Darters were well represented ,
with some starting to colour up , and this one prepared for a real close up . I heard somewhere recently that a Dragonfly's eye is made up of up to 30,000 individual lenses in each compound
eye . A few Damselflies were seen , mainly Azure , male pictured , and Blue-tailed . Not a lot of
colour around the lake , but Musk Mallow/Malva moschata is doing it's best to cheer things up , and a white Crab Spider , bottom flower on the left , was using it in the hope that it's breakfast would be attracted to it's flower .
My second stop , in worsening conditions , was at High Elms , not the full butterfly survey , but to see if two special species had emerged , White Admiral and Silver-washed Fritillary . On the way to Burnt Gorse , a quick check on the Violet Helleborine , found all three plants in good order ,
and with the flower spikes starting to unfurl . With what looked like a botany class going on on Burnt Gorse , but did manage to record two Marbled Whites , now sighted at both ends of the site , before I headed for the small glade between it and the Orchid Bank . The sun was truly at a premium , and when it did appear , it was only for a very short period before being swallowed up by cloud again . But , in one of those short periods , two male Silver-washed Fritillaries entered the arena to fight for it's ownership . One headed off , but the other stopped to nectar , and in
doing so , showed the 'silver wash' on the underside of his wings . I had already had a good look for White Admiral , and had seen my first of the year , as it moved it's position some 10 metres up in a Beech , but obviously well out of camera range . Another look around an area of Larches , many draped in Honeysuckle , the food plant of the White Admiral , proved negative , but , high
in one of the trees I spotted a Sparrowhawk , a male if I think . I moved position and
tried to get closer , but someone had their beady eye on me , and just after this shot disappeared . In what I think was one of the last periods of sunshine , I spotted another White Admiral , right
at the back of a Bramble patch . I managed this one shot , when the sun disappeared , and so did the butterfly . Of interest , last year the first sightings for White Admiral and Silver-washed Fritillary at High Elms was 1st.July for both species .Earlier in the visit I spotted a Cuckoo sp.
bumblebee , tussling with a much smaller insect on a Bramble flower . When the Bee moved off , I tried to photograph the unusual insect , and caught it just as it took flight , revealing the
brightly coloured abdomen . Another species that I haven't come across before . Any offers ?
As I returned home with the sky getting greyer by the moment , I passed the Chicory that I
mentioned on Dean's blog/DDD , as still being in bud just a couple of days ago . Well , it has now caught up , with just one flower for every head of buds .
The weather always deteriorates in the afternon Greenie - thats when i'm out!!!
you encountered a good mixed bag of wildlife as usual though :-)
Well done with both the butterflies Greenie. I have never seen either.
Great close up of those dragon eyes! I think I read somewhere about the 30,000 lenses, amazing!
Another interesting account and a rewarding day for you.
I thought I had seen that insect somewhere before, possibly on your blog. I have looked through my books with no luck so far.
I have left a late comment on your Buzzard's nest post.
Hi Greenie.
Nice photo of the White Admiral, one I have yet to see.
I cannot be sure but the Sparrowhawk looks like it could be a female, as the barring on it's front doesn't look very red, and the insect, well I have yet to find it so I cannot help you there.
The weather might deteriorate but it's never a dull moment on your blog Greenie. What variety.
(30,000 lenses? Looks like a pair of chocolate buttons to me).
Hi Greenie, as warren has said, a good mixed bag of wildlife shots as usual. There is a strong possibility that i may have seen a White Admiral today too?!
The 'unsusual insect' is a cuckoo bee, Nomada species. I believe you have posted images of one before, perhaps of a different Nomada species.
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