Sunday, 28 September 2008

Sunday September 28th. 2008

As I said yesterday , I spent today helping Kent Reptile and Amphibian Group on their stall at Kent Goes Wild , at Shorne Country Park .The only wildlife I saw was a Small Heath , a Comma , several Hornets , and about 10 Swallows ,hawking over the ponds .
But , on the next stall were Kent Mammal Group , and on their stall were two harvest mice .

Needless to say , you know which stall got the most attention .

When I got home , my wife said she was moving some logs , when she found eight of these in a

log , Stag Beetle larvae . Needless to say , the log was replaced and covered with others .

Now , commenting on last night's post , Steve (New Hythe) thought the Pale Tussock moth caterpillar was one of the most attractive caterpillars . I suggested The Vapourer (pictured below) . I leave it to the reader to make their own decisions .

1 comment:

Steve said...

Have you ever seen a Sycamore Moth Caterpillar? That I think is also in the top 3 - stunning....I found one a couple of years back. I kept it intending to photograph it the next day and when I got home from work it had spun its cocoon....I kept it until it transformed into the drabbest moth you could find!