An afternoon walk around Hayes Farm .

Common Darters , in tandem and ovipositing in puddles along the track .

Common Field Speedwell - Veronica persica .

Sloes , the fruits of the Blackthorn , ready to be made into Sloe Gin .

A flight of Mallard over the Trout Fishery , which is completely overgrown with Canadian Waterweed .

Finally managed to identify Shaggy Soldier-Galinsoga , a member of the Daisy family , found last year , but un-identified .

A member of the Dock family , Redshank-Polygonum persicaria .

A single specimen of Sun Spurge-Euphorbia peplus was found .
Very odd - a speechless Greenie :-)
Lovely photos, Greenie but not a word of explanation!!!
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