I had promised to help Carol with some of the heavy cutting back / shredding in the garden today , thus earning another batch of 'Brownie Points' , which will keep me mobile for the next few weeks . I did manage to escape for an hour just before lunch , when I took a few sacks of garden refuse , too big to shred , to the Council tip , which just happens to be near South

Norwood Country Park . Before leaving though , I had to take a shot of our resident Robin , singing his heart out . And why is he resident ? Because Carol buys mealworms , and gives him three good meals a day , that's why .
After getting rid of the rubbish , I had a walk around the Country Park and the adjacent Cemetery . No great sightings like Pochard or Goosander , but just the usual , sorry Warren now .

A small flock of Shoveller have returned , including an immature male in the foreground .

As ever , the Canada Geese are the noisiest residents , especially when bread appears .

In the shady shallows , a Grey Heron was fishing ,

until it was moved on by the local Crow mob .

Lots of Coots about , including this male in 'attack mode' .

Others were less aggressive , indulging in mutual preening ,

before the male , in the middle , moved off to a quiet corner with two females .

And all this under the watchful eye of a juvenile Carrion Crow .
Well Greenie, I'm as envious of your Shoveler/Coot as you appear to be over the attention that Robin gets :-)
I love seeing them singing their hearts out like that :)
Lovely photos today, the Crow is a cracker! Nearly forgot the Canada Goose, that is a beauty too.
I reckon that Robin is singing a carol, to Carol!
Great shots today Greenie. I like the attack mode Coot, aggressive little b****r isn't he. Also like the trio of Coots later in the post.
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