After getting a message from a friend that there were now 70/80 Dark Green Fritillaries on the wing at Lullingstone Golf Course , I set off in blue skies and little wind to see for myself . By the time I arrived at Lullingstone , the sun was gone , behind grey clouds , and the wind had got up too . As I parked the car , this Wren announced that I was on site , or was he laughing at the
thought of seeing butterflies in these conditions . I had to lighten the picture to be able to see the bird . Regardless , I headed up to the Orchid Bank and started looking for the Fritillaries . Half an hour later , all I had turned up was a few Meadow Browns , and a Small Skipper that grabbed the
opportunity to get some warmth from my finger with both hand , so to speak . I did find 3/4 Lace Border moths , a species that I have done well with recently , and on a Ragwort plant , ten
caterpillars of the Cinnabar moth . Eventually , I did find a couple of roosting Dark Green Fritillaries , and , like the Small Skipper , this male was only too happy to get warmth from my
finger . In fact , given the air temperature , he was quite happy with whatever I did , as long as I
didn't turf him off my finger . A close up of his head shows the proboscis , rolled up at present , but unrolled , ideal for reaching deep into flowers to get to the nectar . At the moment , there
doesn't seem to be many specimens of the lilac/white Greater Knapweed , the majority being plain mauve . A look at the three Lizard Orchids showed that they have almost reach maturity ,
and a close up shows how they get their common name . With no sign of a change in the weather , I decided to have another look for the Green-flowering Helleborines . The rain of last weekend
seems to have done the job , as 10/12 specimens are showing now . Not the most colourful Orchids by any means , but scarce , this being the only Kent site I believe . In the last visit of the morning , a return to the largest colony of Deptford Pinks in the country , that shouldn't be in flower until next month , and were not showing last Friday . A fellow blogger visited the site on
Wednesday , and once again , the weekend rain had done the trick . Small numbers were found
scattered along the track , then , an abundance of blooms to finish with . 300 plus was the estimate , and I certainly wouldn't argue with that figure . Beautiful little flowers , each no bigger than the flower of the Herb Robert/Geranium robertianum . As I was photographing the Pinks ,
the wind got up even stronger , and turning around , this was what was approaching . I headed
back for the car , only stopping on the way to get a couple of shots of Weld/Reseda luteola , a
member of the Mignonette family , and , like the Wild Mignonette , made up of lots of small flowers .
As I reached the car , I could hear Bullfinches calling to each other , and tried to find them in the canopy , but the first spots could be felt , and the Bullfinches would have to wait for another day . As I left the parking area the spots became heavy drizzle . By the time I reached the main road , torrential rain was lashing down , continuing all the way home .
And finally , a couple of insects , as yet unidentified , found at Lullingstone , again on Ox-eye Daisy flowers .
I think both could be members of the Miridae family/ Mirid or Capsid Bugs , but as usual , I stand to be corrected and any help would be appreciated .
Hi Greenie.
I think your second bug might be Calocoris Roseomaculatus, as you say, a Capsid. No luck with the first yet.
Me again Greenie. I think the first bug might be the nymph stage of Calocoris Roseomaculatas, the second being the adult......maybe!
What an amazing variety of stuff!
I just found Lizard orchid in the IoW flora index and - excited - turned to page 192 where it says: 'Lizard Orchid. Extinct.'
Hi greenie,
Another amazing blog with so much detail Great shots of the DG Frits.
Managed a trip to Old Lodge yesterday great day despite the rain thanks again for the directions.
Great close up of the DGF Greenie! Another very interesting post, I feel I might have seen the Deptford Pink somewhere locally but just can't think where and as I know it is quite scarce I may well be wrong. It is a lovely little flower.
Lovely photos throughout!
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