On Boxing Day , I visited my parents grave on the occasion of their wedding anniversary . Three birds caught on camera :
Green Woodpecker ,
On the 27th. a quick look around the church in Hayes , produced none of the expected Winter
Yesterday , the 28th . brought three Fieldfares into the bottom end the garden . I got a record
This morning , as he has most mornings this week , the male Greater Spotted Woodpecker
breakfasted on the fat and seed mix , stuffed into the holes on an upright log . This afternoon , I checked the berried trees again , finding only a single Fieldfare on Cotoneaster berries in a
roadside garden . I then had a very quiet walk up on the Common , and as the drizzle started , I checked one of the Oak trees near the car park . After a very poor year for Purple Hairstreaks ,
I was well pleased to find 4 PH eggs in as many minutes . Hopefully , this will mean a better year for the species . The drizzle became rain , and I headed home .
Hi Greenie.
I know exactly how you feel/felt. I too have a cold, and it was at it's worse before Xmas.
It always makes you better to get out.
I hope your cold clears up soon. look after yourself.
thats an incredible find grenie ( the ph egg) I hope the new year sees you in beeter health mate.
Hope you're rallying now..... it's a nasty strain this year, and really lays you low.
The hairstreak egg reminds us that spring is around the corner.
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