My hopes of finding flocks of Winter Thrushes or Waxwings were soon dashed , with just one Fieldfare on a roadside Rowan and a couple of Redwings on a Holly in a front garden , were about the only interest . A small flock of 5 Fieldfares flew over high , but continued on their way .
I arrived home after a couple of hours , and after a hot cup of coffee , Carol and I walked to the local shops for some essentials , and for some fresh air for Carol . On the way back , another Fieldfare was found in a roadside Hawthorn .
No one said anything about snow on the forecast for today , but whilst we were out , persistent light snow started to fall , and it continued over lunch , and throughout the afternoon , stopping just before dark . I spent the afternoon in the back bedroom , with constant scans from the window , and camera ready . All taken in bad light conditions and through double glazing , some of the species seen were ,
The Song Thrush , just as it noticed me , and made a quick departure ,
one of two Greenfinches that came to the feeders , this one suffering from 'scaly leg' ,
I thought that that was it for the day , when Carol called me down for a cup of tea , and spotted a movement in the Lime Tree in the road , outside our house . That movement turned out to be a Treecreeper , that had me dashing upstairs for the camera . Needless to say , by the time I came back down with it , the bird had gone . Regardless , I went out into the road looking for it , and
after a few minutes , found it two trees up the road on the other side . It worked it's way up that
tree , then flew to the next , and began searching for food again . I followed it further up the road , moving from tree to tree , until , with daylight fading quickly , it came to rest on the South
facing side of another Lime , and remained motionless . I waited for several minutes in the growing gloom , and the bird still remained motionless . I can only assume that it had decided that this was where it was going to roost for the night , and I left it , hoping that it would survive another sub zero night .
Creeping from tree to tree like a Treecreeper then Greenie! You'll get arrested if you're not careful.
Some very nice shots today, despite the double glazing, particularly like the Song Thrush.
Hoping to get out myself tomorrow, report of a Firecrest near Abbey Mead a couple of days ago.
I didn't think it was so cold today Greenie ?
Your pics today are much the same species as mine :-)
Hi Greenie.
Well done on braving the cold.Also you did well getting a shot of a Song Thrush, not a bird you see much of these days.
As for your stalking a Treecreeper up the road, do your neighbours know what your up to, and not a peeping tom with a camera.
I'm sure Carol must worry about you at times :-)
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