Another heavy fall of snow overnight meant that the birds were queueing up for breakfast this morning . I cleared the path again , and on passing the 'snow-o-meter' , found that the 9-10'' that came down on Tuesday , had increased overnight to a good 16'' . With snow still falling lightly , it was obvious that it would be another day of sorting pictures on the computer , interspersed with looks out of the back bedroom window . As soon as the seed went down on the path , the mixed Finch flock , more nemerous than yesterday , found it and
began to feed vigorously . Also feeding well was the Blackbird that has taken a shine to the
Callicarpa berries that were meant to attract the Blackcaps over the Winter . Another glance out the Winter saw a single Redwing attempting to feed on the Pyracantha berries behind the Callicarpa , but by the time I got the camera , it had disappeared , to be replaced by one of the
many Wood Pigeons that have been driven into the gardens to search for some uncovered food . Before long , when a fresh scattering of seeds was put down , numbers of up to 15 of these
'hoovers' took charge of the path , not letting other species get a look in . When they wern't
about , another opportinist made the most of the bonanza . I also had a sighting of a Goldcrest , flitting about in a conifer , but distance and light conditions were against a shot .
Just before lunch another look out of the window appeared to show an unusually empty garden , but then a small movement in the back of the Callicarpa caught my attention . The binoculars confirmed what I had hoped it would be , a male Blackcap , sitting quietly . After a short while ,
he got down to the matter in hand , eating as many of the Callicarpa berries , before that Blackbird got back . He showed a few times over lunch , but not again once I got back upstairs . The snow has been heavier since lunch and the bird numbers have diminished . I'm hoping that this will be the end of it , as I feel like a caged lion at the moment , with no volunteering or getting out and about .
6 hours ago
I wonder if thats the same Blackcap as last year Greenie - a good chance i'd say.
Caged lion is just about how I felt today too. :-)
Keep up the good work with feeding the birds, snow at that depth isn't much fun for anyone.
You may not have got out Greenie but you had some really good birds and Squirrels in the garden to keep you out of mischief. Hopefully the end is in sight at the weekend.
Good grief, that's a lot of snow!! Every time I see the weather forecast for your area I think of you and my other Kent blogland friends and I saw last night that you were in for even more. We still haven't had much at all thankfully but it's so bitterly cold.
Lovely photos here Greenie, very nice to see the Blackcap. I'm hoping I will see some again this Winter. We always get a lot of Wood Pigeons in the garden and what a greedy lot they are!
I remember you mentioning Callicarpa last Winter, it really is very attractive and I was surprised not to have heard of it but on looking it up I see it prefers an acidic soil which would explain why I have never seen it round here.
Hi Greenie.
Always nice to see a over wintering Blackcap. Our's hasn't appeared yet this year. We have had one visiting our garden every winter for the last 6 years.
Nice photo's of your winter friends. The things we do for them.
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