Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Monday 21st. March 2011 (2)

Leaving the car park , I located the Little Owl in it's usual tree , which then disappeared into the other Oak , just as I got it into focus . No sign of a Wheatear on the left of the slope down , a good place in previous years . Lots more Wigeon 'whistling' , and lots of Skylarks , singing and parachuting back down . In the same area , the only Curlew seen on the visit . Meadow Pipits were everywhere too , especially on the long grass of the sea wall . Everything went up way out across the site , and eventually I managed to get on to the cause , a 'ringtail' Hen Harrier , always great to find .It was some way off , so only managed a few record shots that were anything like reasonable .
It had passed over this pair of Shellduck , which I photographed a lot further down the track .
A new seat , to me anyway , has been put along the track , and it would appear that it is not just for the tired birder , as this male Reed Bunting in full breeding plumage showed .
Although it was coming up to high tide , the Wellmarsh hide did not produce many species . Two Ringed Plover , a smattering of Avocet , more Redshank and Lapwing and the expected Gadwall , Mallard and more Shellduck .
I moved on to the second hide , the name eluding me at the moment , and on the way , disturbed a Little Egret , which flew off scolding me as it went .
I was greeted at the hide by a female Kestrel , perched on what looks ike the remains of an old wind driven mechanism .
On entering the hide , it was like entering a sauna , with all the windows shut and streaming with condensation . It took ages to cool down , and once again , most of the species were at distance .Just one small island was inhabited reasonably close , containing a pair of Avocet , several Turnstone and a couple of Redshank . The best sighting , at very long distance , was a pair of Black-tailed Godwit , the male in his superb orange breeding plumage . Lots of Greylag and Canada Geese , but no sign of any Brent .
I was still hot as I left the hide and with a group heading for it , I left the door open for them , and headed back along the track , which is where I will continue tomorrow .
Only interest today , a Tawny Owl calling whilst working in the yard .


Warren Baker said...

Nice to see that Hen harrier Greenie, cracking record !

Phil said...

Nice account Greenie. Good to see the Harrier, I haven't seen one in ages. Must be spending too much time at New Hythe.

Alan Pavey said...

Hi Greenie, Always nice to see Hen Harrier, getting any sort of shot is bonus, great stuff :-)