Almost as numerous were the Hornets recorded on site , four in total .
At the far end of the large meadow , I spotted a male and female Roe Deer , probably the same pair I posted last survey . They were feeding right over in the furthest corner .
On the way back home for lunch , I stopped in at High Elms for a quick look around . No sign of
White-letter Hairstreaks or Silver-washed Fritillaries , but Common and Holly , female pictured , Blues were recorded , amongst others .
Also on the wing were at least another four Hornets , and I saw one catch a Hoverfly from the
Hemp Agrimony , and devour it in a matter of a couple of minutes . Watching the Hornets hunt , it was amazing how few insects they managed to catch , most evading their attacks easily .
After lunch , I helped Carol in the garden , and we were visited again by an immature Southern
Hawker , this time a female , when she landed on a Geranium . After getting several shots , I
gave her the same offer that I gave to the male previously , and she obliged . Only trouble was , with the 100mm. lens on , I couldn't extend my arm far enough to get a decent shot .
And finally , a moth found nectaring on the Hemp Agrimony at High Elms , perhaps a bit too worn to get an ID , but perhaps ?
After lunch , I helped Carol in the garden , and we were visited again by an immature Southern
And once again , Dean/DDD comes up with the answer , Tawny-barred Angle . Thanks very much Dean .
all very Autumnal Greenie, do you reckon we will get just one blast of summer during Sept :-)
Greenie, your moth looks like a Tawny-barred Angle.
Hi Greenie, It's so good to be back :)
Summer seems/seemed so short this year, it seems to me that the light has changed and there are so many signs of Autumn around. Lovely to see the butterflies still though, I do like the Small Copper, possibly because I don't see it very often. It sounds like it was plentiful yesterday where you are.
I loved the photos of the Southern Hawker!
Hi Greenie.
Another nice selection of photo's. godd one with the Southern Hawker on your finger, you will be teaching it to do tricks next :-)
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