At least 3 Kingfishers seen , albeit at distance , none willing to pose on the posts right outside the hide , but the way they were chasing about , there could well have been more .
Around many of the lakes Gipsywort-Lycopus europaeus , another Labiate with a square stem was found .
Getting back to the car just as a heavy shower started , I decided to look in at Bough Beech reservoir on the way home .
I had to cross the Greensand Ridge to get home , so you should know what happened by now ,
A large adult Grass Snake under the first refugia lifted .
Followed by a female Adder under the second .
Things went quiet then except for a Violet Ground Beetle-Carabus violaceus ,
and under another refugia that held a very fast moving immature Grass Snake , the slough of that reptile , totally intact .
Once again , I made it back to the car by the skin of my teeth as the next heavy shower started .
Not wanting to push my luck any further , I headed home .
well done with that Adder photo Greenie, very nice. All the showers went half a mile to the west of me, only splatters of rain were had :-)
Nice photos Greenie...I like the velvet ground beetle.
I meant violet...I've been looking at too much velvety fungi recently!
I read it as "Violent"
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